Words Worth Noting - January 15, 2023

“We meet here [the grave of her brother, who died of croup at two and a half, two years before she was born]. It is a place where there is but a thin veil between the past, the present, and the future. It is a thin place, a sacred space for the two of us. The phrase ‘thin places’ comes to us from legends of pre-Christian Ireland…. Heaven and Earth, the Celtic saying goes, are only three feet apart; but in a thin place that distance is even shorter. It’s a place where we can sense the Divine more readily. Or perhaps it refers to a place where one can travel back and forth between two worlds: this one and the eternal world. Stonehenge comes to mind. As does Mount Sinai… We encounter God in the thin places, which become sacred spaces when we sanctify the ephemeral with monuments and alters…. There are man-made thin spaces. Cathedrals that soar… Or the small house of worship that cried out to Saint Francis of Assisi to be repaired. There is music that breaks the barrier… We have all had those moments when we felt touched… [her elision] by something.”

Diane Weber Bederman in Convivium 10-11/13