Words Worth Noting - April 25, 2023

“If you want to know something about yourself, sit on your bed one night and say to yourself: ‘What is one thing I am doing wrong? That I know I am doing wrong, that I could fix, and that I would fix.’ You have to mean this. This is no game. You meditate on that and you will get an answer. It may not be the one you want but it will be the necessary one. Once you find it, you should push yourself beyond your limits of tolerance to find out where it is and how much you can work. Ask yourself, how disciplined can you be? Can you work 12 hours a day? Where is your limit? And how much work can you do? Push yourself and then back off to that point where it is sustainable. It is good to think about that as a goal. You do not want to have too much fun as it takes you out. So you want to make sure that what you are doing pushes you in every direction that you can, but you should be doing that with an aim in mind. You are trying to make yourself into a better and more competent person.”

Jordan Peterson “Discovering Personality – Black Friday Sale” email with internal title “Discover your limits” 27/11/22.