Words Worth Noting - April 9, 2023

“‘People with bad eating habits have “devilish” brains that prevent them exercising self-control, a study has shown. Researchers in the United States have discovered an “angel” centre in the brain which holds back a “devil” region to stop us giving in to temptation. It allows a person to weigh abstract considerations such as “healthiness” against basic desires such as a craving for rich food,’ Britain’s The Independent reports. The study’s co-author, Prof. Colin Camerer of the California Institute of Technology, said: ‘After centuries of debate we are making big strides in understanding self-control from watching the brain resist temptation.’ The ‘angel’ centre is called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), while the ‘devil region’ is known as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. The researchers hope to engage the DLPFC under normal conditions in people with poor self-control.’”

“Social Studies” in Globe & Mail May 7, 2009.