In my latest Policy Options post I ask why Rick Perry is running for President again. Then I realize I don't want to know.
My latest IRPP post notes the continuing slide of Barack Obama into self-inflicted irrelevance.
My latest for the IRPP asks re the new Liberal tax policy how our expectations for clarity and fairness have sunk so low.
My latest Policy Options post asks what we are supposed to do if the Court gets it wrong. Answer: Nothing. And that's not a good response.
My latest post for the IRPP takes on critics of my skepticism about man-made global warming.
My latest IRPP blog post on how problems in public policy can't get solved if the people in charge don't know there's a problem.
My take on the latest definitive ending of the debate on man-made global warming, on the IRPP Policy Options blog.
See my latest thoughts on the Greek financial crisis on the IRPP's Policy Options blog here.