Meet the new senators, same as the old senators

My colleague Kelly McParland writes perceptively that Prime Minister Trudeau's new Senate appointments have attracted less notice than they should have. I should confess first that I was once again not on the list and second that Kelly quotes me approvingly in the piece that the list is so predictable "it might have been selected by an affirmative action random-elite-candidate-generator.". And now I want to return the favour by quoting him approvingly.

"Would it have been too much to include just one new senator who doesn’t see government as the answer to every problem? An entrepreneur? Someone who’s been required to meet a payroll or risked their own money on an idea?"

Apparently it would. Which is why we need to fix the constitution including creating a Senate that is truly legitimate because it is elected, is independent of the Prime Minister and yet effective, and represents the provinces without paralyzing Parliament.

Yes it can be done. Australia does it. And in our upcoming documentary we'll give a lot more detail on how to make it work. Including why it's especially troubling to see former senior public servants become legislators. The fusion of the upper reaches of the public service and the legislature into a fourth branch unknown to constitutional theory is not good for our democracy.