“I personally am inclined to approach [housework] the way governments treat dissent: Ignore it until it revolts.”
“Barbara Kingsolver American novelist (1955- )” quoted as “Thought du jour” in “Social Studies” in Globe & Mail Nov. 11, 2012
“I personally am inclined to approach [housework] the way governments treat dissent: Ignore it until it revolts.”
“Barbara Kingsolver American novelist (1955- )” quoted as “Thought du jour” in “Social Studies” in Globe & Mail Nov. 11, 2012
“These folks didn’t become household names – or, at the very least, household what’s-his-names?…”
Scott Feschuk in National Post February 16, 1999 [specifically re various Canadian media talking heads]
“When people say the worst is behind us, it’s certainly true of some physiques.”
Me again, from June 6, 2009
There is, or at least was then, a “Saskatchewan-based International Society for the Promotion of Procrastination. Visitors [to its web site] are told that prospective members (the only kind they have, it’s noted) should put their personal information as well as an unsigned cheque (post-dated, of course) into an envelope and send it to an address in Findlater, Sask. Alas, when one clicks to open the society’s alleged postal code, nothing happens.”
Maclean’s July 7, 2003
“From fat your iniquity proceeds.”
The soul in Piers Plowman Passus XV l. 318
“Hindsight can be painful... for instance when you look back and see a really big hind end.”
Mine, from experience, November 2, 2008
Another of mine, from June 30, 2001, on the intersectionality of obesity and what was then “political correctness” and is now “woke”.
“She looked as if she had been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say ‘when.’”
P.G. Wodehouse quoted by Joseph Bottum in First Things October 2005 # 156