[podcast title="Robson's Roundup, April 22, 2016"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/160422RobsonPodcast.mp3[/podcast]
In my latest piece for The Rebel, I argue that Manfred von Richthofen may have been a talented fighter pilot. But he’s no role model and it’s weird that he’s become an object of fascination, almost a Romantic hero. He would have had nowhere to go after the war and no reason to survive it. https://youtu.be/irvrqDhdAlM
The audio-only version is available here: [podcast title="Rebel podcast, April 21, 2016"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/160421_Robson_Rebel_RedBaron.mp3[/podcast]
I was on Danielle's show this afternoon to discuss one of my recent columns. You can listen to it here.
https://youtu.be/FBqfUwm16vQ The audio-only version is available here: [podcast title="Ask the Professor (audio), April 18, 2016"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/Ask_Professor_24.mp3[/podcast]
[podcast title="News and Views with Rob Snow, April 15, 2016"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/RobSnow160415.mp3[/podcast]
[podcast title="Robson's Roundup, April 15, 2016"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/160415RobsonPodcast.mp3[/podcast]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc8gmQKUUk4 The audio-only version is available here: [podcast title="Ask the Professor, April 15"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/Ask_Professor_23.mp3[/podcast]
My latest for the Rebel: It’s odd that even I struggle to remember Edward IV. He was an outstanding military leader who apparently won the Wars of the Roses in 1471, rooted out corruption and was a good administrator whose worst fault was marrying for love not political gain. Yet when he died suddenly in 1483 he left no legacy or dynasty but instead renewed civil war won by the scary Tudors. He teaches us that too often the good rulers do is interred with their bones. Since we know the evil generally lingers on, let’s keep the state small and not put much hope in politics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLkA5Tjna8Y
The audio-only version is available here: [podcast title="Rebel audio, April 14"]http://www.thejohnrobson.com/podcast/John2016/April/160414Rebel-audio.mp3[/podcast]