In my latest National Post column I say what should be solid in Canadian government, like our Charter rights, is generally blown away while what is vapid, like the Liberal-NDP deal, lands with a thud.
In my latest Epoch Times column I challenge would-be federal Conservative leaders Jean Charest and Patrick Brown in particular to show that they stand for something beside office, on practical and moral grounds.
In my latest Epoch Times column I write the speech I wait to hear from those who would be Conservative party leader and Canadian prime minister in these trying times.
In my latest National Post “Platformed” newsletter I say it’s absurd, especially now, for Canadian pundits to be fussing over the possible tactical positioning of Jean Charest for a possible Tory leadership run instead of asking him what he actually thinks about the issues and his underlying philosophy, for instance about national defence.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask whether the shock of Russia invading Ukraine, and the mostly commendable Western response, will make Canadians and their governments more serious about defence spending and therefore about budgeting generally.
In my latest National Post column I say the only reason Erin O’Toole’s leadership isn’t over is that it never started.
In my latest National Post column I say the reason official Ottawa is so inert in the face of rising inflation, beyond the usual smugness, is that if interest rates go up public borrowing will become unsustainable. (As in the US, where it’s beyond the more general issue of rage rather than Canadian-style complacency paralyzing debate.)
In my latest Epoch Times column I say it’s not really news that our vaunted socialized medicine delivers terrible results at excessive cost… or that calls for reform always specify that in revamping it nothing must be changed.