In my latest National Post column I say the self-satisfied tone at the latest global warming alarmist confab in chilly Glasgow is a sign of how detached they are from economic as well as scientific reality.
“It is only the fetish of some economists (e.g., Hirshleifer, 1985) that rejects the idea that one person’s self-interest cannot include the welfare of others.”
W.T. Stanbury in Walter Block and George Lerner, eds., Breaking the Shackles: Deregulating Canadian Industry
“The haves and the have-nots can be traced back to the dids and the did-nots.”
D.P. Diffiné, “The 1993 American Incentive System Almanac”
“Someone once defined ‘committee’ as a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours.”
A writer whose name I did not record in Chronicles magazine December 1990
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say making Steven Guilbeault environment minister was a bad idea everyone should have seen coming.
In my latest National Post column I say thinking you’ll win the drug war by eliminating one major dealer is like thinking you’ll get people to stop eating by closing their current grocery store.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask why the “most important” election “since 1945 and certainly in our lifetimes” didn’t feature any useful discussion of causing inflation by printing money instead of creating wealth.
“A key tenet of standard economics is that making people happy is a simple matter of giving them more of what they like. But neuroscience shows that’s not true. The brain’s striatum quickly gets used to new stimuli and expects them to continue. People are on a treadmill in which only unexpected pleasures can make them happier. That explains why happiness of people in rich countries hasn’t increased despite higher living standards.”
Peter Coy in BusinessWeek, quoted in “Social Studies” in Globe & Mail April 4, 2005