Posts in Economics
Words Worth Noting - April 6, 2022

“The NDP Boxing Day sale ends in just a few hours. But you must act now. Donate to Canada’s New Democrats before midnight tonight – and get up to 75% back on your 2011 taxes.”

Email from the federal NDP December 31, 2011. (The point being that even they know incentives matter... except when designing policy proposals.)

Words Worth Noting - March 23, 2022

“Of all political ideals, that of making people happy is perhaps the most dangerous one. It leads invariably to the attempt to impose our scale of ‘higher’ values upon others, in order to make them realize what seems to us of greatest importance for their happiness; in order, as it were, to save their souls.”

Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2

Words Worth Noting - March 21, 2022

“Idleness… is the holiday of fools.”

From a fortune cookie I got c. 1993 - the Internet says it’s actually from Philip Dormer Shanhope, Lord Chesterfield (1694-1773). I originally had it without the elision but while that version circulates, I’m credibly informed that the proper full quotation is “Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds, and the holiday of fools.” (Source: