“I have just returned from Boston. It is the only thing to do if you find yourself up there.”
Fred Allen, quoted in Gilbert! magazine Vol. 4 No. 2 (Oct.-Nov. 2000)
“I have just returned from Boston. It is the only thing to do if you find yourself up there.”
Fred Allen, quoted in Gilbert! magazine Vol. 4 No. 2 (Oct.-Nov. 2000)
“Why Japan Is Building Its Own Version of ChatGPT /Some Japanese researchers feel that AI systems trained on foreign languages cannot grasp the intricacies of Japanese language and culture”
Headline and deck on article in Scientific American September 15, 2023
“H.G. Wells’ description of the town of Bromstead – ‘a dull, useless boiling up of human activities, an immense clustering of futilities.’”
William H. Whyte The Organization Man
“The only shadow he cast was by artificial light, and he looked it.”
Mike Hammer’s internal monologue in Mickey Spillane My Gun is Quick [regarding the pimp Cobbie Bennett]
“as LBJ’s Liz Carpenter was fond of citing, ‘Resume Speed, Tx.’”
William Safire Before the Fall [on the subject of small towns].
“Carlotta was the kind of town where they spelled trouble t-r-u-b-i-l and if you tried to correct them they killed you.”
Rigby Reardon [played by Steve Martin] in Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid
“John Diefenbaker once compared the Trudeau government to a cemetery run by its occupants.”
John Ivison in National Post October 28, 2003 [obviously the reference is to Pierre Trudeau]
“’Earl looks like he’s deep in thought. Is that right? Are you deep in thought, dear?’ ‘Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about those little red things in fruitcakes and wondering what the heck they’re made of.’ ‘No, apparently he’s shallow in thought, as usual.’”
Opal (mostly to a friend) and Earl in “Pickles” cartoon in Ottawa Citizen December 18, 2004