“Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.”
Tom Lehrer, quoted as standalone “WORDS OF WISDOM” in Epoch Times email teaser February 26, 2023
“Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.”
Tom Lehrer, quoted as standalone “WORDS OF WISDOM” in Epoch Times email teaser February 26, 2023
“It does not very much matter what we think of one individual lady known as Miss Marie Corelli.”
G.K. Chesterton “Why Books Become Popular” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 26 #1 (9-10/22) [as an editor’s note explained, this contemporary of GKC’s was the best-selling author of her day, outselling Kipling, Wells, and Conan Doyle combined... but has anyone heard of her today? I certainly hadn’t.]
“The French expression qui s’excuse s’accuse...”
John O’Sullivan in National Review May 1, 1995
“Routine, in an intelligent man, is a sign of ambition.”
W.H. Auden, quoted as “Thought du jour” in Globe & Mail March 7, 2002
“To attempt to be religious without practicing a specific religion is as possible as attempting to speak without a specific language.”
George Santayana, as the header quotation on Chapter 64 in George Jonas Beethoven’s Mask
“always be comic in a tragedy. What the deuce else can you do?”
Gabriel Syme in G.K. Chesterton The Man Who Was Thursday
“Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.”
Don Wilder, quoted on https://www.hound-dog-media.com/2014/01/gamblers-fools-and-egotists-59-still_31.html
“it ain’t over until it’s over and then it ain’t over.”
Yogi Berra, according to Jeffrey Simpson in Globe & Mail August 14, 2001