In my latest National Post column I say that given how horrified we are at the foolish things politicians do, including on defence procurement, we should pay more attention to the foolish way they think.
In my latest National Post column I say what should be solid in Canadian government, like our Charter rights, is generally blown away while what is vapid, like the Liberal-NDP deal, lands with a thud.
In my latest National Post column I say justified sympathy for the people of Ukraine does not justify abandoning good sense when it comes to a nuclear confrontation.
In my latest National Post column I say it’s important to stand up for ourselves and our values over Ukraine without blundering, or sauntering, into a nuclear war… and if you think it’s hard, congratulations, you’re a grownup who realizes reality is tricky.
In my latest National Post “Platformed” newsletter I say it’s absurd, especially now, for Canadian pundits to be fussing over the possible tactical positioning of Jean Charest for a possible Tory leadership run instead of asking him what he actually thinks about the issues and his underlying philosophy, for instance about national defence.
In my latest National Post column I say that if climate-panic-driven energy policy helped create frightening geopolitical vulnerability, any adults in the room should reconsider not just irrational opposition to nuclear energy but whether there’s really a man-made global warming crisis at all.
In my latest National Post column (filed before the invasion of Ukraine) I mock the government for encouraging us to switch providers to get lower prices and better service through the magic of competition, while subjecting vast swaths of the economy and our lives to its monopoly control
In my latest National Post column, while acknowledging the world-historic greatness of Justin Trudeau now that he has emergency powers, I ask whether our governments’ manifest incapacity to do even simple things including fixing health care derives from having long ago substituted make-believe for serious thought.