Posts in Parliament
F-35 will quickly be outdated

There’s something I’m not buying about the F-35 “stealth” joint-strike fighter. Besides the government’s dishonest bloviating and the opposition’s peacenik whimpering, I mean. I just can’t understand a plane meant to dominate aerial combat for five decades in a world of blinding technological change. Click here to read the rest.

‘Action Plan’ for inaction

Practically everything about government budgets makes me want to scream, from reckless spending to vacuous rhetoric. Take Thursday’s federal “Economic Action Plan 2012”… please. First, it was awful. Then almost everybody said exactly what you’d expect if they’d written their press release, column, or news story before the thing even appeared.

Click here to read the rest.

Hardly a budget

Reaction on Thursday was predictable. The Green Party said Jim Flaherty delivered a budget that was "tough on nature"; the Ottawa Citizen said he delivered one that "includes major changes to ... the size of government"; the Communications Workers of America Canada said: "Federal budget threatens Canada's social and cultural fabric". But I was there and I can tell you the government did not deliver a budget at all. Click here to read the rest.

Nobodies... with wallets

Everybody talks about empowering backbench MPs. But nobody seems to mean what they say. At any rate, in today's Globe and Mail Brian Laghi and Jane Taber report that Michael Ignatieff has announced that he'll protect sitting Liberal MPs from primary challenges provided they turn up enough members and enough donors to the party's coffers. Not that we're using centralized control mechanisms to reduce MPs to servants of the Leader's Office, you understand. It's just that if you simply hold your seat your way, well, shucks, see ya later buddy. Know what I mean?