Posts in Podcast
Doubling down in Boston

My latest for The Rebel: On this day in 1774 the British government dug itself an even deeper hole with the Port of Boston Act, crushing the liberties of Massachusetts citizens angry at having their liberties crushed. It’s a classic case of the state, unable to see its mistakes let alone admit them, compounding them instead and tumbling into disaster.

The audio-only version is available here: [podcast title="Rebel audio, March 31"][/podcast]

History, PodcastJohn Robson
State of the Un-ion

My latest for The Rebel: More than 300 years after the Act of Union received Royal Assent on March 24, 1707, combining England and Scotland into Great Britain, there is surprising dissatisfaction and indifference on both sides of the border even though for most of the next three centuries both parties benefited enormously as Britain became indeed great in just about every conceivable way.