In my latest National Post column I urge people to take men's needs seriously and support the new Canadian Association for Equality's Ottawa Centre for Men and Families.
"As long as people think you're dumber than you are, you'll make money." Marcellus Mature to his son Victor when the latter set off for Hollywood to become a movie star, arriving with 11 cents in his pocket (according to as of June 6 2013, which also credited Marcellus with saying "Life owes you nothing no more than a man deserves a woman merely because he happens to love her" so you get two for the price of one today)
"He has risen without a trace." Richard Lowry in National Review Sept. 10, 2007 (applying it to a now-forgotten politician, Lowry says the insult was originally applied to TV interviewer David Frost)
If you're in the area I really hope you'll join us for "Meeting the Climate Change Challenge", the 2017 annual conference by the Economic Education Association of Alberta, in Calgary this coming Friday and Saturday March 17 and 18. We've got a terrific lineup of speakers including climatologist Dr. Tim Ball and Friday lunch keynote speaker Marc Morano. And I'll have something to announce during my own talk on March 17. The time is right to stand up to the hysteria, confront bad science and assess policy rationally. So please join us for two days of outstanding presentations and timely discussion on this crucial issue.
"Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal." Friedrich Nietzsche
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop." "Herbert Stein's Law" coined by economist and chair of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors Herbert Stein; often rephrased as "Trends that can't continue, won't."
In my latest National Post column I lament the casual way the Ontario government has breached doctor-patient confidentiality including laughing off search warrants.
But “It Happened Today” needs a break. So it won’t be appearing for a while. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned.