In my latest Loonie Politics column I express amazement that people are expressing amazement that migrants are flooding toward the U.S. border after the Democrats won with a shrill anti-border-control message.
“in all their actions all men do in fact aim at what they think good.”
Aristotle The Politics
“‘Each of us is interested in himself whether he wishes it or not, whether he thinks himself important or not, and for the simple reason that each of us is both the subject and the protagonist of his own nontransferable life.’”
José Ortega y Gasset in Man and Crisis, quoted in Leonard Read Let Freedom Reign
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the flap over waxy butter from palm-oil-fed cows should focus on how supply management reliably creates bad products at high prices.
“Good soldiers, who both love and trust their general, frequently march with more gaiety and alacrity to the forlorn station, from which they never expect to return, than they would to one where there was neither difficulty nor danger. In marching to the latter, they could feel no other sentiment than that of the dullness of ordinary duty: in marching to the former, they feel that they are making the noblest exertion which it is possible for them to make.”
Adam Smith in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, arguing that people shouldn’t have trouble facing disaster knowing God is good
“If one’s view of human nature is very constrained, then the alternative to loyalty is not impartiality but pure selfishness.”
Thomas Sowell A Conflict of Visions
In my latest National Post column I accuse Justin Trudeau and his cronies of willful blindness on the threat the People’s Republic of China poses to Canadians.
“Every man desires to obtain additional wealth with as little sacrifice as possible.”
N.W. Senior in 1836 “laying down the first of the four principles of Political Economy” quoted in “What is Left of Adam Smith?” in Stephen Leacock On the Front Line of Life