“Brian Mulroney: ‘There is no one quite like him.’”
Charles Gordon in Ottawa Citizen Sept. 17, 2005 suggesting how the former PM should have described himself in a taped interview with Peter C. Newman
“Brian Mulroney: ‘There is no one quite like him.’”
Charles Gordon in Ottawa Citizen Sept. 17, 2005 suggesting how the former PM should have described himself in a taped interview with Peter C. Newman
Re kids’ preference for bland junk food “It is a situation which I classify (along with most other aspects of domestic life) as desperate but not serious.”
Robert Capon The Supper of the Lamb
“H.L. Mencken’s definition of the pessimist as a man who, if he smells a rose, looks around for a coffin.”
Matthew Scully in National Review October 27, 1997
“‘How was I,’ I asked innocently. ‘Good?’ ‘A most remarkable performance, Minister, if I may say so,’ he answered with studied ambiguity.”
Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey (after a interview in which, in fact, by announcing a policy Hacker had totally checkmated Sir Humphrey) in Yes Minister Vol. I
His father: “How’d I do?” Barney: “I think you made an unforgettable impression.”
Mordecai Richler Barney's Version (After his vulgar father totally offends his new in-laws)
“There are no words to express how much...”
Another "He's an extraordinary man" insult (and in fact I did say it, inspired by a friend's wedding leaflet but without malice).
“Saul Gorn once told me his theory of asceticism: ‘It is well known that the longer one postpones a pleasure, the greater the pleasure is when one finally gets it. Therefore, if one postpones it for ever, the pleasure should be infinite.'”
Raymond Smullyan 5000 B.C. and Other Philosophical Fantasies
Re George Macdonald Fraser’s Flashman series: “Alfred Knopf said of the first book (and, being the shrewdest of publishers, meant it as a compliment) that he hadn’t heard such a voice in fifty years.”
A writer whose name I failed to record in National Review July 10, 1995