“He knows he’s got Daly and Woosnam breathing down his neck in more ways than one.”
Announcer on TSN Feb. 4 1996 (specifically re Paul McGinley, in the Heineken Classic but the point is the lovely mangled metaphor)
“He knows he’s got Daly and Woosnam breathing down his neck in more ways than one.”
Announcer on TSN Feb. 4 1996 (specifically re Paul McGinley, in the Heineken Classic but the point is the lovely mangled metaphor)
“I would urge you to waste no time in making this candidate an offer of employment.”
Another double-edged letter of recommendation phrase found in multiple places online.
“He could not care less about the number of hours he had to put in.”
Another of the "He's an extraordinary man" style phrases to use in a two-edged letter of recommendation, this one for a lazy or unambitious person; it is on various websites but I do not know where it originated.
“What’s the point of being a hedonist if you’re not having a good time?”
Lily Tomlin’s "The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe" show, quoted in The New Republic Oct. 7, 1991
“the fastest execution since someone said, ‘This Guy Fawkes bloke, do we let him off, or what?’”
Edmund Blackadder in Black Adder Goes Forth, quoted in blackadderquotes.com/blackadder-series-4-episode-3-major-star-full-script
“A ceñoso is something too low to kick and too wet to step on.”
A character on the TV show Hunter March 21, 1991.
“Now there’s a guy who lost the human race.”
My own thought April 2 2004 on abject failure (not any specific instance of it, just the general concept)
Someone’s eagle “really took the wind out of [another player’s] hands.”
Announcer on TBS Jan. 16, 1994, reminiscing about the Hawaiian Open 10 years earlier