“the belief of French poststructuralism, exemplified by Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, that the ‘subject’ – the thinking, single agent, the ‘I’ of every sentence, was an illusion: all you had left was language, not mentality… Once there were writers, but now there is only what Foucault derisively called ‘the author function.’”
Robert Hughes, Culture of Complaint
"He has planted his last potato. Han har satt sin sista potatis."
“Idioms from Sweden” in Gilbert Magazine Vol. 8 #4 (Jan.-Feb. 2005)
"a hotbed of cold feet."
George Will in National Post October 9, 2001 (a complicated metaphor applying to U.S. Senate Democrats over Iraq in 1991 what was said of "All Souls College, Oxford at the time of the 1956 Suez crisis")
“the words itched more than they tickled.”
Larry Hill in Maclean’s August 27, 2001
“One of the marks of despotism, as all history shows, is that it is unteachable. Its intrinsic nature, it would seem, is such that it must always, sooner or later, express itself in ways which are not only indefensible but also quite manifestly indefensible.”
Lord Hewart of Bury The New Despotism