“Malign Neglect: Pierre Trudeau and the Politics of Indifference”
The title of Chapter 4, in Jack Granatstein Who Killed the Canadian Military?
“Malign Neglect: Pierre Trudeau and the Politics of Indifference”
The title of Chapter 4, in Jack Granatstein Who Killed the Canadian Military?
“Jean Chretien’s government wants the shade from the tree, but aren’t willing to do anything to keep that tree strong.”
Canadian Alliance MP Monte Solberg quoted in the National Post March 31, 2003 [the specific context was Solberg supporting the second Gulf War but it obviously applies far more broadly as well as chronically to politicians and the Canadian Armed Forces]
“Every man carries with him the standard by which we judge him, even if he always falls short of it. That is one of the things in which all men are equal; and it is a sort of implicit image of man, which the mystics called the image of God.”
G.K. Chesterton in Columbia May 1925, quoted in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 26 # 2 (Nov.-Dec. 2022)
It’s a fine line in life: I just noticed (by making the typo) that “Words Worth Nothing” is one letter away from my running hed on these supposed bon mots.
Me July 10, 2023
“The observation that it is difficult to portray a really good person in fiction is nothing new. But why do our contemporary novelists find it so difficult even to portray a person we wouldn’t mind meeting? Even when they try? There are exceptions. Not many. The appalling thought occurs to me that maybe they like their characters.”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 17, 2023 [https://undergroundthomist.org/antipasto ]
“To hold a man down, you have to stay down with him.”
Booker T. Washington, quoted on BrainyQuote [https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/booker_t_washington_378395]
“Long ago he had heard of an old Chinese saying to the effect that a man who could concentrate for as much as three minutes on any given problem could rule the world.”
Louis L’Amour Flint
“It is in disaster, not success, that the heroes and the bums really get sorted out.”
James Bond Stockdale in Chronicles magazine July 1988