Posts in Life
Words Worth Noting - June 19, 2024

“Antisemitism is both a sort of mental impairment and a barrier to learning. If you think that ‘the Jews’ control the banks, you don’t understand finance, and will never understand it because you have this happy conspiracy theory and you think you already know everything. If you think ‘the Jews’ control the weather with their space lasers, you’re not going to bother to study meteorological science. A society in which this kind of antisemitism is prevalent is not going to be a sign of a society on the cutting edge of science or business or economics or anything else. In our society, these beliefs are toxic. They’re terrible for Jews, but they are actually poison to what makes America, America.”

Walter Russell Mead in conversation with Bari Weiss on The Free Press October 31, 2023 [].

Words Worth Noting - June 11, 2024

Gen. George “McLellan – briefly and reluctantly restored to command – fought the Battle of Antietam (called Sharpsburg in the South) just well enough to stop Lee and his invading army. McLellan was fatally afflicted, however, with what Lincoln in a cutting phrase called a case of ‘the slows’…”

Tom Wicker in Robert Cowley, ed. What If? 2: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been

Words Worth Noting - June 9, 2024

“It can hardly be proposed that they [humans] should learn a purer religion from the Aztecs or sit at the feet of the Incas of Peru. All the rest of the world was a welter of barbarism. It is essential to recognise that the Roman Empire was recognised as the highest achievement of the human race; and also as the broadest. A dreadful secret seemed to be written as in obscure hieroglyphics across those mighty works of marble and stone, those colossal amphitheatres and aqueducts. Man could do no more. For it was not the message blazed on the Babylonian wall, that one king was found wanting or his one kingdom given to a stranger. It was no such good news as the news of invasion and conquest. There was nothing left that could conquer Rome; but there was also nothing left that could improve it. It was the strongest thing that was growing weak. It was the best thing that was going to the bad.”

G.K. Chesterton in “The Strangest Story in the World” in The Everlasting Man quoted in “The Book of the Prophet Daniel” in “GKC on Scripture * Conducted by Peter Floriani” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 26 # 6 (July-August 2023)