“Miss Management”
A tag applied by MP Deb Grey to Minister Jane Stewart over the Human Resources Development Canada scandal , quoted by Susan Riley in Ottawa Citizen November 21, 2004
“Miss Management”
A tag applied by MP Deb Grey to Minister Jane Stewart over the Human Resources Development Canada scandal , quoted by Susan Riley in Ottawa Citizen November 21, 2004
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the only thing more foolish than Doug Ford raising the minimum wage was his explanation for doing so.
In my latest National Post column I say thinking you’ll win the drug war by eliminating one major dealer is like thinking you’ll get people to stop eating by closing their current grocery store.
In my latest National Post column, I warn that reflexively scoffing at the rubes who don’t like sending their money to Quebec and think they can stop it would be disastrous.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the inflation currently breaking out because we printed too much money and produced too little wealth is a classic case of Hemingway’s line about going broke two ways.
In my latest Epoch Times column I use Neil Winokur’s book The Grumpy Accountant to lament that Canada’s tax system has been outrageously and needlessly complicated and harsh for many decades. Why do we let them do it to us?
In my latest National Post column I say nobody won the election and things won’t improve until the parties admit it and accept their share of the blame.
In my latest National Post column I say if you don’t like people blocking access to hospitals and shouting at health care workers in over-the-top frustration, and I don’t, you must not excuse illegal “direct action” when you do support the cause.