In my latest National Post column I ask how I, of all people, could be a lonely voice of balanced reason on the truckers’ protests.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say all the people suddenly demanding that noisy protests with an ugly fringe be denounced and driven from the public square, to say nothing of blockades and actual vandalism, will be asked to take a similar approach to the next one even if they sympathize with its cause.
In my latest National Post column I say that politicians and voters need to make a New Year’s resolution to think about why bad things are happening and how to stop or reduce them instead of just wishing them away.
In my latest National Post column I say David Suzuki’s thinly veiled threat of violence if he and his sanctimonious ilk don’t get their way, in defiance of lawful authority and popular consent, reflects a persistent mentality on the left.
In my latest piece for NP Platformed (subscription only, so please get one if you haven’t already) I deplore the tendency of courts to uphold breaches of our rights on sociological not legal grounds.
In my latest National Post column I say thinking you’ll win the drug war by eliminating one major dealer is like thinking you’ll get people to stop eating by closing their current grocery store.
In my latest National Post column I say nobody won the election and things won’t improve until the parties admit it and accept their share of the blame.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the idea of national strategies where governments reform citizens is bad, including if one targets “Islamophobia”.