“Travel, in the true sense, has become impossible in the large urban or urbanised district. All such places are alike, plastered with the same advertisements, blocked up with the same big shops, selling the same newspapers, attending the same schools.”
G.K. Chesterton in Illustrated London News Oct. 2, 1926, quoted in Gilbert! magazine Vol. 5 # 3 (Dec. 2001)
In my latest National Post column I say Terry Corcoran’s old jibe about “Unionland” remains all too pertinent as organized labour tries to drag what’s left of the private sector into the public sector mess it has done much to create.
“When you do policy, you have to allow for people.”
“David Rose, a research adviser at the Bank of Canada” quoted in Maclean’s October 23, 1995 (both Rose and Maclean's evidently considered it a revolutionary insight in economics).
“There is no limit to the amount of nonsense one can produce if you think too long alone.”
Jacob Viner, quoted by Bernard J. Shapiro, Principal, McGill University, to the Empire Club of Canada, Toronto, May 22, 1997, in Canadian Speeches Vol. XI, #4 (July/August 1997)
“The alternative to perfection of self is perfection of others: Either I will concentrate on me and my welfare or on others and their welfare; in other words, mind my own business or mind other people’s business.”
Leonard Read Let Freedom Reign
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say one major reason the US Presidential race is closer than you might expect is that most of the unrest over race and police misconduct is in cities controlled by the Democrats, in states controlled by the Democrats, suggesting their approach to social harmony is not working.