Posts in Economics
Wish I'd said that - November 18, 2020

“There are two levers for moving men; interest and fear."

Widely attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte online but I have not found a specific attribution (mind you, I once worked for someone who said “There are two ways of motivating people – one is fear and I’ve forgotten the other” and the funny thing is, he was a great boss. But I was afraid of incurring his justified displeasure.)

Facing the facts about the American election

In my latest National Post column I say the U.S. has entered a new political era in which it would promote healing if one side could admit there are very good reasons for people to support Donald Trump, for instance their distaste for identity politics, and the other side could admit Trump is an awful person and a nasty President.

Wish I'd said that - November 5, 2020

“The common theme of the essays that make up this book is that the proper design of public policies requires a clear and sober understanding of the nature of man and, in particular, of the extent to which that nature can be changed by plan.”

1st sentence of author’s Introduction to James Q. Wilson Thinking About Crime Revised Edition