Posts in Economics
Words Worth Noting - October 17, 2022

“People wishing to get organized at home should follow advice such as the One-Minute Rule, contends The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: That which takes a minute to do (or less) should be done. For instance, hang up your coat, put shoes in the proper place, use the hamper and hang up the bath towels.”

“Social Studies” in Globe &Mail January 27, 2004

Words Worth Noting - September 22, 2022

“There is no law of geography which dictates that it would be impossible for all the inhabitable areas of the earth to lie in latitudes, and be subject to physical conditions, of the type that produced the Asian empires…. Indeed, how can any ‘rigorous’ theory account for Britain’s being an island, a fact that has certainly contributed most importantly to the world’s social and political development. Its insulation was the merest accident on any rational time scale, dating from some ten thousand years ago, a geological instant.”

Robert Conquest in Reflections on a Ravaged Century, critiquing the narrowness of Marx’s development theory.