The confrontation between Dalton McGuinty's administration and Ontario's teachers, like the recent Chicago teacher's strike, pits pampered educators against progressive politicians in a bloated, arrogant public sector cage match in which the public interest is largely forgotten. Click here to read the rest.
It’s starting to look as though this school co-parenting thing is more complicated than it looks. Even the bit about eating your veggies. Premier Dad hectors your kids and serves them cardboard and they just won’t bend to his will. Click here to read the rest.
Bip... bip... bip... bip... Drives you nuts, doesn’t it. Those drivers who leave their turn signals on for miles as they drift down the road. But they might lurch sideways if you do try to pass, even though when they do turn, they probably don’t signal. They should. Click here to read the rest.
According to the fledgling Broadbent Institute, Canadians are so worried about inequality they want to pay higher taxes. Good luck campaigning on that. Still, I think these Institute guys are on to something. Click here to read the rest.
Strip-searching a father because his four-year-old sketched a toy gun at school paints a perfect picture of progressive public education: absurd yet sinister. On the Keystone Kops side, if police took the girl's now-vanished doodle of her father fighting monsters and bad guys seriously, why not search his home for villains, or werewolves, before a gun?
Is Rick Santorum a threat, and if so, to which party, especially given his weak Wednesday debate? That's the $1 question. To read more click here.