In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the fiscally reckless Ontario budget is more proof that the politicians can barely be bothered going through the motions of governing responsibly any more.
“a simplistic great-fool theory of history.”
Peter H. Russell, Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Be a Sovereign People? [re people blaming Mulroney’s ambition to outdo Pierre Trudeau for the Meech Lake debacle]
“The first thing worth noting is that the drafters of the Charter titled this first section ‘Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms.’ In other words, the intended purpose of the opening section is to underline that the rights and freedoms laid out in the Charter are guaranteed. But, if you look at almost every judgement that wrestles with this section, talk to almost any lawyer, or consult most government websites, they instead call the section ‘The Limitations Clause’ or ‘The Reasonable Limits Clause.’ That is a very different focus! And that betrays the problem: the legal culture in Canada has focused on the phrase ‘reasonable limits’ instead of ‘guarantees the rights and freedoms.’ That changes the analysis before we even start.”
André Schutten and Michael Wagner, A Christian Citizenship Guide 2nd edition
In my latest Epoch Times column I say we hate politicians and they hate us because everybody is behaving badly in the era of self-indulgent authenticity.
“He will not go far who knows from the first where he is going.”
Napoleon at the beginning of his career, according to George Gilder Wealth and Poverty [though actually Napoleon’s career rather gives me the impression of frantic energy without sensible goals].
In my latest National Post column I argue that the lethal yet ludicrous overconfidence of Hamas and its Canadian supporters is rooted in their reading of the Qu’ran.
“The Charter protects citizens from civil government, but it does not police interactions between citizens themselves. The Charter is a shield that protects the citizen from the state, not a sword to be wielded by the state against the citizen.”
André Schutten and Michael Wagner, A Christian Citizenship Guide 2nd edition
In my latest Epoch Times column, I say Justin Trudeau is half-right that his job is not to be popular.