In the piece I just wrote for the National Post
I deplore that the woke now think Seuss should be toast.
“Change, change, change. All this talk about change, aren’t things bad enough already?”
Queen Victoria, according to Lord Palmerston, quoted by Mark Bauerlein in National Post Dec. 14, 2020
“I suppose everyone knows this fear of getting ‘drawn in’, the moment at which a man realizes that what had seemed mere speculations are on the point of landing him in the Communist Party or the Christian Church – the sense that a door has just slammed and left him on the inside.”
C.S. Lewis Perelandra
In my latest National Post column I accuse Justin Trudeau and his cronies of willful blindness on the threat the People’s Republic of China poses to Canadians.
In my latest National Post column I say Erin O’Toole’s boast about being pragmatic and moderate amounts to saying he has no convictions and cannot be counted on by anyone for anything, and trying to make it sound like an achievement. But it’s not.
“This sort of people are so taken up with their theories about the rights of man that they have totally forgotten his nature.”
Edmund Burke on French Revolutionaries, quoted in Robert Bork The Tempting of America (and also though slightly less completely in William D. Gairdner Constitutional Crack-Up)
In my latest National Post column I say that, whatever else one thinks of the social media platforms banning Trump, it shows conclusively that they are publishers not platforms, and should be treated accordingly under libel and antitrust law.
“Human rights cannot exist without God.”
Montes de Oca, a Cuban dissident and Pentecostal, in an interview with Jay Nordlinger quoted by Nordlinger in National Review June 11, 2001