Posts in Ideology
Words Worth Noting - January 7, 2022

“When bad things happen, they are never the bad things that were inevitable. You may be quite certain that, if an old pessimist says the country is going to the dogs, it will go to any other animals except the dogs.”

G.K. Chesterton in Illustrated London News April 17, 1926, quoted in Gilbert Magazine Vol. 7 #6 (April/May 2004)

Of politics and equal rights

My talk to the Dec. 11 Canadian Association for Equality “Momentum” conference, on the subject of politics being downstream from culture, is now available here (as is the entire conference). And if you’re thinking I haven’t learned much about Zoom setup in the last two years, well, the results speak for themselves… unfortunately.

Of capitalism and serfdom

In my contribution to the National Post’s defence of capitalism, I say economic freedom is the victim of its own success, having delivered the promised prosperity but not the freedom from personal responsibility some misguided zealots thought it should, allowing them to rush us along the Road to Serfdom by blaming capitalism for not doing something it never attempted and never should have.