Posts in Life
Words Worth Noting - October 23, 2022

“For all you good folks who think Islam is just Christianity in funny hats, or that Islam is the ‘Religion of Peace’, or that ‘we all worship the same God’ .../ ... nope. None of those are true in the slightest.”

Tweet from Willis Eschenbach 20/4/22 [] commenting on tweet about “Islamic Republic of Iran gives converts to Christianity five years prison for ‘deviant propaganda’”

Words Worth Noting - October 20, 2022

“I am inclined to think tradition has more of the sobriety of truth.”

G.K. Chesterton in America July 23, 1927, quoted in “Chesterton for Today” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #3 (Jan.-Feb. 2022) [I know I’ve been leaning heavily on GKC in recent items, but when someone says so many prescient things it’s a sign worth noting]

Words Worth Noting - October 17, 2022

“People wishing to get organized at home should follow advice such as the One-Minute Rule, contends The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: That which takes a minute to do (or less) should be done. For instance, hang up your coat, put shoes in the proper place, use the hamper and hang up the bath towels.”

“Social Studies” in Globe &Mail January 27, 2004

Words Worth Noting - October 16, 2022

“But in the end, being free means being able to be responsible. And ultimately, ‘it means being responsible to God and not to man.’”

Dale Ahlquist in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #2 (Nov.-Dec 2021) [the quoted bit almost certainly from G.K. Chesterton in the 3rd edition of G.K.’s Weekly March-September 1926]