Posts in Life
Words Worth Noting - June 21, 2023

“Eddie Izzard likes pink. Pink coats, pink jackets – they’re all over the website promoting his failed bid to stand as a Labour candidate at the next general election. Labour’s colour is traditionally red but pink is for girls, and Izzard has been campaigning in what he coyly calls ‘girl mode’ for months now. Alas, all his efforts came to nothing at the weekend when he was soundly beaten by a local councillor who also happens to be a woman…. while people are ready to applaud an actor and comedian who challenges gender stereotypes, they may not be so keen on a man making demands that defy the evidence of their senses. Izzard’s claim to be trans highlights the problem at the heart of self-identification, which is that it requires so little of the individual – but so much of everyone else. Izzard is a man who likes to wear women’s clothes, favouring garments that are a parody of what actual women choose to wear.... The setback to Izzard’s attempt to become a Labour MP is a heartening sign of a return to sanity. After all, being a woman involves a great deal more than wearing pink.”

Joan Smith on Unherd December 5, 2022

Words Worth Noting - June 20, 2023

“The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt.”

Thomas Merton quoted as standalone “WORDS OF WISDOM” in email teaser from Epoch Times January 18, 2023

Words Worth Noting - June 19, 2023

“You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. But you can make a sow’s ear carry just as much money as a silk purse.”

Horse trainer Ray Hunt on why every horse is a good horse, quoted in British Columbia Report December 5, 1994

Words Worth Noting - June 17, 2023

“‘Hurricane Hattie, didn’t you read your assignment? Your quiz answers are all wrong?’ ‘Oh, I read the assignment all right! I just can’t seem to remember anything I read… It just seems to go in one eye and out the other!’”

Dialogue in “Born Loser” cartoon (their elision) in Ottawa Sun May 18, 2000.

Words Worth Noting - June 12, 2023

“J’ai fait mon devoir. Moi, j’ai été victime d’un gros accident sur la 15 cet été lors d’un orage. Un gros fardier a accroché mon auto, que est partie en tête à queue avant de cogner dur. Je suis sorti complètement sonné. Personne ne s’est arrêté pour savoir si ça allait. Ils ralentissaient juste pour regarder.”

A passing motorist who saved a 19-year-old trapped upside-down in his car in a ditch by holding a ballpoint pen in his mouth so he could breathe until rescue equipment arrived, quoted in Le Journal de Montreal Nov. 13, 2003