When people warn that the United States is approaching a "fiscal cliff" it doesn't take much wit to realize it's not a holiday camp. But what is it and where, why is Uncle Sam whistling insouciantly as he hurtles toward it, and how might he avoid the high jump? Click here to read the rest.
Satirist P.J. O'Rourke says, "Beyond a certain point complexity is fraud ... when someone creates a system in which you can't tell whether or not you're being fooled, you're being fooled." So take Canada's multi-billion-dollar equalization program ... please. It's so complicated even experts have trouble with it, and regular citizens are excluded completely. Click here to read the rest.
It’s starting to look as though this school co-parenting thing is more complicated than it looks. Even the bit about eating your veggies. Premier Dad hectors your kids and serves them cardboard and they just won’t bend to his will. Click here to read the rest.