Dr. Tammy Nemeth, of the “Nemeth Report” on international activists’ campaign against Alberta oil, interviewed me for her podcast on the Chinese Communist Party’s exploitation of western concerns about climate to further its sinister geopolitical ambitions.
In my latest National Post column I call for environmental action at the yard level, allowing a micro “rewilding” return of nature to our cities in the form of flowers, bugs, birds and healthy soil.
“Does your garage door put the ugh in ugly?”
Crawford Door Sales ad on NBC 14/4/90
In my latest National Post column I say with increasing rates of vaccination and between waves, we should have a relaxed and rational discussion about when, if and why we’d go into another lockdown.
In my latest National Post column I express enthusiasm for freedom in Cuba… and Canada.
“It is not a universal advantage in situations of conflict to be inalienably and manifestly rational in decision and motivation.”
2005 Nobel Prize in Economics winner Thomas Schelling quoted in National Post October 11, 2005
In my latest Loonie Politics column I confront Amazon about its dysfunctional dependence on Chinese manufacturers and their Communist overlords.
In my latest National Post column I say churches should not get tax breaks, not because of residential schools but because nobody should.