In my latest National Post column I ridicule the notion that Canada must bring in half a million immigrants a year to build homes for the half-million immigrants we bring in a year to build homes for all the immigrants.
“The commonplace axiom that the ‘devil is in the details’ is generally wrong. The more often correct axiom holds that the ‘terror is in the trends’.”
Colin S. Gray Canadians in a Dangerous World
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask politicians, activists and citizens to think of something, anything, that governments in Canada should just stop doing, or trying to, because it’s not a legitimate state function or because they’re too overloaded just now to tackle that thing as well. If nobody can thing of even one, I don’t just know we have a problem, I know what it is.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say rearranging cabinet chairs while leaving policy untouched doesn’t even send the intended message let alone fix any real problems.
“’My 401(k) is now a 201(k), heading for a 101(k).’”
Thomas L. Friedman calling it “the dominant mood” of Americans, who wanted Bush to forget Iraq and fix the economy, in New York Times February 5, 2003
In my latest Epoch Times column I cite Canada’s swelling bureaucracy and shriveling RCMP and armed forces to illustrate that bad policy drives out good.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I berate Canadian “conservative” politicians for being as clueless about how to avoid wedge issues as they are spineless about how to approach them.
In my latest National Post column I goggle at the sense of entitlement of our Governor General and leftist politicians.