In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Ontario NDP proposal to bring all mental health care into our crumbling public system reflects a broad, nonpartisan, goofy belief that government is the main and best creator of wealth in a society.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say there’s a stark divide in Canada and throughout the West, vividly on display over the truckers’ convoy, between those who favour plain reasoning and those who like their logic ornate, dazzling and convoluted.
In my latest National Post column I say that given how horrified we are at the foolish things politicians do, including on defence procurement, we should pay more attention to the foolish way they think.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Caisse de dépôt plunging into the urban light rail quagmire in a desperate hunt for profits is an ominous sign of the real state of Canadian public pensions.
“he immatures with age”.
Harold Wilson (of Tony Benn) quoted in The Economist July 11, 1992
In my latest National Post column I say what should be solid in Canadian government, like our Charter rights, is generally blown away while what is vapid, like the Liberal-NDP deal, lands with a thud.
“Of all political ideals, that of making people happy is perhaps the most dangerous one. It leads invariably to the attempt to impose our scale of ‘higher’ values upon others, in order to make them realize what seems to us of greatest importance for their happiness; in order, as it were, to save their souls.”
Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies, Vol. 2
In my latest Epoch Times column I challenge would-be federal Conservative leaders Jean Charest and Patrick Brown in particular to show that they stand for something beside office, on practical and moral grounds.