In my latest Epoch Times column I say the federal Tory leaders’ debate on Friday May 5 was surprisingly revealing… and had a surprising winner.
“the road to hell may just as well be paved with no intentions as with the proverbial good ones.”
“Preface to Part Two: Imperialism” in Hannah Arendt The Origins of Totalitarianism (specifically regarding the claim that the British Empire was acquired absent-mindedly).
“John -- 2014 comes to an end in just a few weeks. Now is the time to save big and support the the important work of the Ontario NDP! All donations to the Ontario NDP in 2014, are eligible for generous provincial tax credits.”
“Hey John,/ Did you know that when you donate to the NDP, you get up to 75% back in tax credits?/ I’m not a banker or a sales guy, but that’s a great deal no matter how you slice it. Here’s what you’re eligible for if you chip in before December 31st./ Total you’ve given in 2015: $0*/ What you could get back in tax credits: $30/ Donation required today to get $30 back: $40/ Donate $40 today to maximize your tax credits before the deadline.”
Email from “Ontario NDP” Dec. 5, 2014 and email from “Director of Operations/ Canada’s New Democrats” Dec. 14, 2015. Just a few among many they’ve sent me (in return for zero total lifetime contribution) in an effort to prove that even socialists know incentives matter, except when devising or debating policy.
In my latest Epoch Times column I denounce the Canadian Forces’ proposed plan for military chaplains as an Orwellian project in which uniformity is diversity, exclusion is inclusion and freedom is slavery.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say it is clown-level silliness for B.C. Premier John Horgan to insist that our health care system is brilliantly designed and crumbling simultaneously.
In my latest National Post column I ask whether Canadians will yet again excuse a pathetic performance by an elite institution because we are snobs.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say inflation isn’t a conspiracy run out of Davos and the conservatives don’t have a hidden agenda and climate skeptics aren’t in the pay of Big Oil and nobody can be bothered plotting against you nor could they if they tried because the people in power are just as muddled as they appear to be.
In my latest National Post column I say one of the most glaring flaws in the 1982 Constitution, including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was the failure even to attempt to put checks and balances on the judiciary.