On Monday I spoke to the Royal Canadian Military Institute about a number of surprises regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, some of which should not have been surprising.
In my latest Epoch Times column I contrast our supposed new strategy for dealing with Communist China’s aggression with the iconic American Cold War strategy document NSC-68 and ours comes off looking mentally, verbally and morally feeble.
IIn my latest Loonie Politics column I urge everyone to consider the long-term consequences for our political culture if the authorities get away with smirking their way through an inquiry and a national security scandal.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Prime Minister’s insistence that he avoided any briefing on Chinese Communist meddling in Canadian elections, even after a story broke about our security agencies telling him of it, makes him unfit for office whether it’s the obtuse truth or a stupid lie.
In my latest Mercatornet column I ask what history has to say about the possibility of the United States breaking apart, and find the answer troubling.
In my latest National Post column I praise the retired general who blasted woke culture in front of Canada’s elite, and the serving officers who dared applaud him.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the world tour for which our Prime Minister skipped Remembrance Day is, like everything he does, all about him.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I urge all politicians to ponder, if their adversaries are as awful as they claim and they are so marvelous, why it is that voters do not elect them in a landslide at every opportunity.