In my latest, and last, piece for Mercator I celebrate its mission while lamenting its passing, victim of an age far too prone to take frivolous things seriously and ignore the eternal verities. But I urge everyone to do the reverse.
In my latest Mercatornet piece I say lurid claims that 2024 was the “hottest year ever” are ignorant bunk, while more restrained assertions that it was the hottest or second-hottest since 1880 depend on hocus-pocus about how accurately such things are measured, and were.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say the election of Donald Trump has certainly had a depressing effect on the giant climate gabfest in Baku but far more as symptom than as cause.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say people are having trouble grasping the dynamics of the American election because they’re reluctant to face the truth that both Trump and Biden were terrible candidates, and Harris might be almost as bad.
In my latest Mercatornet column I ask how the United States, of all places, could have become vulnerable to tyranny.
In my latest Mercatornet column I ask how Americans reached this dreadful pass and what any of us can do about it.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say the United States Supreme Court is contributing to the corrosive distrust spreading in their society, and ours as well.
In my latest Mercatornet column I ask what history has to say about the possibility of the United States breaking apart, and find the answer troubling.