In my latest National Post column, I say Western leaders’ calls for Israel not to retaliate for Iran’s blatant act of war amounts to “Free hits on Jews” and is disgusting, cowardly and a recipe for disaster.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I complain about the Canadian habit of taking government pseudo-events like the Liberal “increase” in military spending seriously.
In my latest Epoch Times column, I advise Canada’s hapless foreign minister on dealing with real, actual, menacing tyrants who don’t share her amorphous woke attitudes.
“History presents us with two kinds of leaders, those who did more harm than good, and those whose names we can’t remember.”
David Warren in Ottawa Citizen January 2, 2000
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask why even the politicians ferociously opposed to the carbon tax start by insisting that it’s necessary instead of challenging the pseudoscience behind global warming alarmism.
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
Edward R. Murrow according to an email from a friend, also supported here:
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the fiscally reckless Ontario budget is more proof that the politicians can barely be bothered going through the motions of governing responsibly any more.
“a simplistic great-fool theory of history.”
Peter H. Russell, Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Be a Sovereign People? [re people blaming Mulroney’s ambition to outdo Pierre Trudeau for the Meech Lake debacle]