In my latest Epoch Times column I denounce the Canadian Forces’ proposed plan for military chaplains as an Orwellian project in which uniformity is diversity, exclusion is inclusion and freedom is slavery.
“someone has pointed out that it is remarkable that we have a word for people who believe they are being persecuted when others around them do not think this is true, but we have no word for those who are in fact persecuting others without being aware of doing so.”
Ronald Macaulay The Social Art: Language and its Uses
“He looks like the dog’s been keepin’ him under the porch.”
James Langton’s Sunday Telegraph guide to expressions British leaders might encounter from George W. Bush, quoted in Ottawa Citizen December 17, 2000 [with the helpful note that it means “Not the most handsome of men.”]
On Global News Radio 640 with Alex Pierson and John Mraz I discussed Ontario’s flirtation with anti-racist math, the right of private businesses to set their own policies on proof of vaccination, and complaints about a new Governor General whose bilingualism doesn’t involve French.
“Gentlemen, listen to me slowly.”
One of “Still More Samuel Goldwynners” in Gilbert Magazine Vol. 9 #1 (September 2005)
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the mind-numbing vulgarity of Doug Ford’s comments about vaccine availability was just the beginning of their mind-numbing qualities.
In my latest Mercatornet column I say Biden’s hackneyed Inaugural speech may do no harm. But it did not rise to the occasion like, say, Lincoln’s magnificent Second Inaugural and did not even really seem to try.
In my latest National Post column I say the federal fiscal update didn’t misrepresent reality, it abandoned it entirely.