In my latest National Post column, part of the paper’s “Serious Canada” series, I list the things a nation serious about its finances would do, and warn of the consequences if we don’t.
In my latest National Post column I ask how we can be at yet another crucial “make or break” tipping point in the pandemic, and what exactly happens if we “make” it or fail to this time… and the next… and the next…
In my latest Epoch Times column I remind Prime Minister Trudeau, just in case he has forgotten, that money is not wealth and that in handing out the former it is important not to lose sight of creating the latter.
In my latest National Post column I say Terry Corcoran’s old jibe about “Unionland” remains all too pertinent as organized labour tries to drag what’s left of the private sector into the public sector mess it has done much to create.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say that delivering partisan mush instead of a specific program in the Throne Speech, and treating a new session of Parliament as just more politicking, is a serious attack on how Parliament works.