In my latest Loonie Politics column I argue that the City of Ottawa’s increasingly restrictive garbage policies underline that politicians and bureaucrats think the rest of us are distasteful refuse.
In my latest Epoch Times column, I condemn Ontario public-sector unions who support pro-Hamas protests, which is not merely a violation of their mandate but also a gross affront to their supposedly progressive values.
“One of them [a crook planning to rob a Vegas casino in the Donald Westlake novel What’s The Worst Thing That Could Happen?] says he has a lot of ideas, but Westlake writes: ‘A whole lot of ideas isn’t a plan.… Ideas without a plan is usually just enough boulders to get you into the deep part of the stream, and no way to get back.’”
George F. Will in National Post Dec. 5, 2001 [not clear if it’s his elision or Westlake’s]
In my latest National Post column, I say Western leaders’ calls for Israel not to retaliate for Iran’s blatant act of war amounts to “Free hits on Jews” and is disgusting, cowardly and a recipe for disaster.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the secretive bungling of basic security at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg is a case study in complacent bad government in Canada.
In my latest National Post column I warn that our flagrant double standard in policing protests will end in tragedy.
In my latest National Post column I lament widespread vicious persecution of Christians abroad, and the puzzling indifference to it here in Canada.
“I wish someone would explain to me why it isn’t necessary to show probable cause of fraud and get a warrant in order to audit a taxpayer.”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 17, 2023