In my latest National Post column, I warn that reflexively scoffing at the rubes who don’t like sending their money to Quebec and think they can stop it would be disastrous.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the inflation currently breaking out because we printed too much money and produced too little wealth is a classic case of Hemingway’s line about going broke two ways.
In my latest National Post column I say major problems with British socialized medicine would offer important lessons for Canada if we could just get over our fixation with our health system being above reproach. If you agree, please join us for the EEA’s “Freedom School” on “Meeting the Healthcare Challenge” on Oct. 22 and 23.
“If persons do not behave in accordance with their own economic self-interest, objectively defined and measured, on what basis do they act?... The economist is well-equipped to recognize mush for what it is, and when noneconomists hypothesize that persons want to ‘do good,’ he quickly detects the absence of predictive content.”
“Is Constitutional Revolution Possible in Democracy?” in Geoffrey Brennan and James M. Buchanan The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy
“Spouses stay with their mates with Alzheimer’s, not because there is any hope for pay back or even appreciation, but because of a keen sense of duty, and so on.”
Amitai Etzioni, “Libertarian Follies,” World and I, May 1995
In my latest Epoch Times column I use Neil Winokur’s book The Grumpy Accountant to lament that Canada’s tax system has been outrageously and needlessly complicated and harsh for many decades. Why do we let them do it to us?
“‘The effect of liberty to individuals is, that they may do what they please,’ wrote Edmund Burke, the hero of American conservatives, ‘we ought to see what it will please them to do, before we risk congratulations.’”
David Frum Dead Right
“Surely what matters in a dogma – religious, political or any other kind – is not the motive of those who advance it, but whether it is true or false.”
Ted and Virginia Byfield in “Orthodoxy” in British Columbia Report August 18, 1997