Posts in Economics
Words Worth Noting - October 18, 2023

In 1922 Chesterton in London “gave another talk on Socialism where he said his primary objection to socialism was that ‘it would be a dictatorship, with a tyranny of officials in every department of life.’”

“100 Years Ago” in Gilbert The Magazine of the Society of G.K. Chesterton Vol. 25 #2 (Nov.-Dec. 2021) [and if Chesterton, a Christian apologist and fiction writer, could see it so clearly, why couldn’t politicians, pundits and professors?]

A semi-victory on the No More Pipelines Act

In my latest Epoch Times column I say the Supreme Court ruling on the former Bill C-69, aka Impact Assessment Act, is not a big win for those who don’t want the feds to crush our energy industry, and we need to engage on the science of climate change not count on sloppily-drafted legislation to save us from the zealots.

The unbearable ignorance of politicians

In my latest Loonie Politics column I say if a typical MP could not pass a pop quiz on World War II or almost any subject, and voters and journalists don’t notice, it’s way past time we stopped letting the state run our education system.

Words Worth Noting - September 21, 2023

“The point is, however, that the West [in the Cold War] got the ‘big thing’ right and the lesser matters right enough. Many of history’s losers, not excluding Nazi Germany and the USSR, failed to get the really big things right although they did perform some ill chosen missions extremely well. If one had to choose, it would be preferable to pursue the correct policy inelegantly than the incorrect policy elegantly.”

Colin S. Gray Canadians in a Dangerous World