In my latest Loonie Politics column I argue that the City of Ottawa’s increasingly restrictive garbage policies underline that politicians and bureaucrats think the rest of us are distasteful refuse.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I cite the Bank of Canada’s inability to make a $20 bill featuring King Charles III in under five years as evidence that government in Canada is broken.
In my latest Epoch Times column, I condemn Ontario public-sector unions who support pro-Hamas protests, which is not merely a violation of their mandate but also a gross affront to their supposedly progressive values.
“There are a great many truths that we can’t help knowing at some level. Even so, we may not be aware of knowing them, we can deny knowing them, and we can pretend to ourselves that we don’t know them.”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” May 8, 2023 []
In my latest Epoch Times column I complain that Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford subsidizing EV manufacturing in Canada are repeating very old economic mistakes in an unaffordable fog of smug ignorance.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask, à propos of the federal Liberals suddenly proclaimed intention to “turbocharge” housing construction after nine years of muffing the file, what leads our politicians or anyone else to have so much faith in their capacity, and the state’s capacity, to fix any and every problem life presents.
In my latest Epoch Times column I ask why even the politicians ferociously opposed to the carbon tax start by insisting that it’s necessary instead of challenging the pseudoscience behind global warming alarmism.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say the fiscally reckless Ontario budget is more proof that the politicians can barely be bothered going through the motions of governing responsibly any more.