In my latest Epoch Times column I say the apparently trivial cancellation of camping lessons in Montreal by Parks Canada is a worrying symptom of mental and moral rot.
“I am unbelievably lucky: a. to be an American; b. To have my wife, the world’s finest human; c. To have never been severely or at least life-threateningly ill; d. To have never been in combat; e. To have had loving, caring, prosperous parents; f. To have an interesting, well-paid career; g. To have great friends, a great sister, nephew, niece, cousins, and, above all, son; h. Above all, to have learned to love and worship a God of love and understanding.”
“Benjamin J. Stein’s Diary” on his 60th birthday in The American Spectator February 2005
In my latest Epoch Times column I note the tragicomic contrast between the cosmic aspirations and vaulting self-regard of our politicians and their incapacity to discharge even basic functions of government.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say if heads don’t roll over the latest revelations from the Mass Casualty Commission then we have pretty much given up on truth and decency.
In my latest National Post column I say the Liberal ban on (some) single-use plastics is a classic illustration of policy made without any attention to incentives and consequences.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the main difficulty with ditching various terrible cabinet ministers is who’s going to replace them… and why.
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the EU mandating that all devices use the USB-C standard is a classic case of thinking just because something is annoying government should blunder in and mandate a uniform solution to one of life’s complexities.
In a Loonie Politics piece I should have posted a couple of weeks ago I say it would be instructive to look back at old newspapers to see what did get covered, and how, as opposed to what turned out to matter and why.