In my latest Mercatornet column I say the U.S. midterms show once again the fatuity of seeking salvation through elections.
In my latest Epoch Times column I lament our Prime Minister’s inability to take Communist Chinese aggression seriously.
“There is also, just for the record, the cold comfort of knowing that all empires crumble when hubris and militarism alienate even their closest allies, distant wars entangle them in bloody conflicts, and popular leaders are exposed as self-serving frauds. I’m not saying this is especially good news, just that it is history’s lesson.”
Mark Kingwell in National Post March 19, 2003
On The News Forum with Tanya Granic Allen we discussed the nature, purpose and tools of remembrance.
In my latest Epoch Times column I recall and honour all including those who vanished in the long, unending fight for liberty and decency.
“Vaguely in the course of time (and more especially in our Protestant countries) the Reformation has come to stand for the idea of ‘liberty of thought.’ Martin Luther is represented as the vanguard of progress. But when history is something more than a series of flattering speeches addressed to our own glorious ancestors, when to use the words of the German historian Ranke, we try to discover what ‘actually happened,’ then much of the past is seen in a very different light. Few things in human life are either entirely good or entirely bad. Few things are either black or white.”
Hendrik Van Loon The Story of Mankind
“When a politician says the debate is over, you can be sure of two things: the debate is raging, and he’s losing it.”
“George Will, political commentator” as “Quote of the Week” “Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #499” from Watts Up With That 11/4/22 [] with “H/t Ron Clutz]”
In my latest Epoch Times column I say the arrogance behind the Prime Minister’s sneering refusal to admit he’s the one who stayed in that $6k/night London hotel suite is a major problem in Canadian public affairs.