In my latest Loonie Politics column I say we must not succumb passively to the constant brain-numbing Canadian jedi mind trick where on any issue of public importance we’re smugly told this isn’t the scandal we’re looking for.
“Previous civilizations have degenerated. Previous ages have marched into the dark not knowing that they were marching into the dark. But in any previous time, were artists, scholars, and thinkers so eager to explain that degeneration was really progress?”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 17, 2023 []
In my latest Epoch Times column, I describe how our universities are unraveling financially and academically as part of a cascading set of policy disasters in which the one thing we never do is go back and reverse previous mistakes instead of piling on fresh ones.
“Malign Neglect: Pierre Trudeau and the Politics of Indifference”
The title of Chapter 4, in Jack Granatstein Who Killed the Canadian Military?
“Jean Chretien’s government wants the shade from the tree, but aren’t willing to do anything to keep that tree strong.”
Canadian Alliance MP Monte Solberg quoted in the National Post March 31, 2003 [the specific context was Solberg supporting the second Gulf War but it obviously applies far more broadly as well as chronically to politicians and the Canadian Armed Forces]
“I wish someone would explain to me why it isn’t necessary to show probable cause of fraud and get a warrant in order to audit a taxpayer.”
J. Budziszewski “The Underground Thomist” April 17, 2023 []
In my latest Epoch Times column, I ask for empirical evidence to support Chrystia Freeland’s Davos claim that decarbonization means “more jobs, more growth, more manufacturing” and instead find evidence that she lives in a dream world where wishes are solid and facts are just mist.
In my latest Loonie Politics column I say Justin Trudeau has poisoned our politics because, without even realizing it, he’s so belligerent and uninterested in policy that he’s always looking for a fight and if none is to be found he starts one.